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STS Forum 2023

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We are thrilled to have once again participated in the STS Forum in Japan!

Yet again, we got a chance to participate in STS Forum, where our CEO & co-founder, Samantha Anderson, had the opportunity to present DePoly's unique plastic recycling solution and engage in discussions spanning a wide range of topics related to science, technology, and strategies for boosting the tech-based innovators globally.

SwissTech panelists at STS Forum 2023 in Kyoto, Japan
SwissTech panelists at STS Forum 2023 in Kyoto, Japan

It was a privilege to be amidst some of the most transformative SwissTech start-ups and scale-ups joining the conversations, but also high-caliber speakers and all the other participants who joined the sessions.

A massive thanks to the organizers at the Consulate of Switzerland, Swissnex in Japan, the support of the ETH Board, the moderators themselves, and all the backing partners for orchestrating this invaluable platform for Swiss Innovators during the STS Forum 2023.

Here's to nurturing and elevating the global collaboration of tech visionaries! 🌍

Category / Events
Published / October 3, 2023
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