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A Winter Wonderland in the Bernese Oberland

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The weekend of December 1st to 3rd saw the DePoly team and their families embark on a journey into the heart of the Bernese Oberland. Winter bestowed its generous gifts upon us, gracing us with a snowfall that whitened the roads, chalets, and lush pastures with a pristine layer of around 30-40cm of fresh snow by the end of our stay.

As Friday afternoon clocked away into the evening, families made their way into the rented chalet, transforming it into a cozy haven for the occasion. The snowfall continued, setting the stage for a quintessentially Swiss soirée — A Swiss cheese fondue made by a local dairy shop warmed both our bodies and spirits. With laughter echoing against the snow-covered landscape, we indulged in games, trivia quizzes, and karaoke sessions, shared moments that lingered into the late hours of the night.

Saturday dawned with our leadership team putting on their aprons and crafting a lovely breakfast for team members and their families—crepes, poached eggs, crispy toasts, and freshly brewed coffee were part of the menu. A delicious treat after a festive night.

Post-breakfast, the adventurous souls among us embarked on a winter hike through the snow-laden terrain, tracing a path to the renowned city of Gstaad. The two-hour trek through freshly fallen snow enchanted both young and adults. The landscape felt like a living painting, a mesmerizing tableau of snow-covered trees and the symphony of footsteps on the crackling snow. Laughter and screams echoed as some dared to sled down the slopes, with impromptu snowball fights sprinkled along the way.

Hiking through the snow
Hiking through the snow

Arriving in Gstaad, we strolled through its charming streets, some finding solace in a well-deserved hot chocolate after the hike in the crisp winter air.

As mid-afternoon came around the clock, we returned to the chalet by train, gearing up for a culinary adventure. Teams formed, each tasked with creating a part of what would be a fantastic dinner—from appetizers to desserts and cocktails. The kitchen buzzed with camaraderie, the air filled with the aroma of the delicious creations, as well as exchanging tips and suggestions along preparations.

Come 6:30 pm, each group presented their culinary achievements, and dinner unfolded in a festive ambiance. Classic holiday tunes played in the background, and the fireplace flickered on the projector, casting a warm glow over the gathering.

Post-dinner, the festivities continued into the night, marked by lively games and spirited ping-pong matches.

Sunday morning arrived, and as the last echoes of laughter subsided, it was time to bid adieu to the chalet. The skies, now a brilliant blue, showcased the snow-kissed mountains in all their glory, despite the -16 degree weather.

What a view
What a view

As noon approached, we reluctantly parted ways, cherishing the bonds forged during this memorable weekend. At DePoly, we consider ourselves one big family, and this weekend was a testament to that sentiment.

The DePoly Team and families
The DePoly Team and families

Category / Team
Published / December 7, 2023
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